Fuel Surcharge Class Action Page

…link_url=”#doe-index”][/page_link][page_link title=”Small Business” id=”1724249057212-4″ tab_id=”1724249057212-10″ link_url=”#small-business”][/page_link][/page_submenu] What is the lawsuit? PriceArmstrong is bringing a class-action lawsuit against companies who have employed fuel surcharge fees as a hidden profit mechanism. PriceArmstrong…

Bid Rigging Page

…id=”1723110267567-8″ tab_id=”1723110267568-7″] [/page_link][page_link title=”Detecting Bid Rigging” id=”1723110267609-10″ tab_id=”1723110267609-5″ link_url=”#detecting-bid-rigging”][/page_link][page_link title=”Protection & Rewards” id=”1723110267622-7″ tab_id=”1723110267623-7″ link_url=”#protection”][/page_link][/page_submenu] What is bid rigging? When companies collude to manipulate prices, they take advantage of the

qui tam lawsuit

What Is A Qui Tam Lawsuit? Blog Post

…Nevada Nevada False Claims Act: Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 357.010 to 357.250 New Hampshire New Hampshire False Claims Act: N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 167:58 to 167:61 New Jersey New

Skilled Nursing Facilities & Hospice Fraud Page

…alignment=”center” sticky=”true” bg_color=”#b4f8f8″][page_link link_url=”#overview” title=”Skilled Nursing Facility” id=”1723110183194-7″ tab_id=”1723110183195-9″] [/page_link][page_link title=”Hospice Fraud” id=”1723110183222-7″ tab_id=”1723110183222-5″ link_url=”#hospice”][/page_link][page_link title=”Protection & Rewards” id=”1723110183233-8″ tab_id=”1723110183233-7″ link_url=”#protection”][/page_link][/page_submenu] What is Skilled Nursing Facilities fraud? A skilled nursing…

Paragard – Contact Page

IUD Lawsuit Request a Free Consultation A broken IUD may entitle you to compensation. Contact the experienced IUD attorneys at Price Armstrong today for a free consultation. Price Armstrong, LLC…

Locations Page

…32301 Open in Google Maps [image_with_animation image_url=”2846″ image_size=”full” animation_type=”entrance” animation=”None” animation_movement_type=”transform_y” hover_animation=”none” alignment=”” border_radius=”15px” box_shadow=”none” image_loading=”default” max_width=”100%” max_width_mobile=”default”] Georgia 517 W Broad Ave, Albany, GA 31701 Open in Google Maps…

Paragard Lawsuit Page

complex litigation Uniquely client-focused [page_submenu alignment=”center” sticky=”true” bg_color=”#b4f8f8″][page_link link_url=”#overview” title=”Lawsuit Overview” id=”1724252142894-6″ tab_id=”1724252142895-9″] [/page_link][page_link title=”Official Reports” id=”1724252142922-7″ tab_id=”1724252142923-3″ link_url=”#why-pricearmstrong”][/page_link][page_link title=”FAQs” id=”1724252142933-9″ tab_id=”1724252142933-10″ link_url=”#faq”][/page_link][/page_submenu] How does Paragard cause damage and injury?…

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Fraud Page

…tab_id=”1723110273302-1″] [/page_link][page_link title=”Protection & Rewards” id=”1723110273341-7″ tab_id=”1723110273341-1″ link_url=”#protection”][/page_link][page_link title=”FAQs” id=”1723110273349-7″ tab_id=”1723110273349-3″ link_url=”#faq”][/page_link][/page_submenu] What is durable medical equipment (dme) fraud? Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is any device that is primarily used…

Bard Powerport – Contact Page

Port Catheter Lawsuit If you have had complications from a Bard PowerPort catheter, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the attorneys at Price Armstrong. We can help you seek…