Jacob M. Tubbs
Jacob serves on the board of directors of Alabama Appleseed, a nonprofit foundation working to identify root causes of injustice and inequality and to develop and advocate for solutions that will improve the lives of all Alabamians. Jacob also serves as a liaison to the ABA Product Liability Chemical Products subcommittee, and is a member of the Birmingham Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program. He is a past member of the Birmingham Bar Association’s Future Leaders Forum, and has served as a technical advisor to the Committee on Workforce Development for the Commission on Existing Industries, appointed by Governor Bob Riley. Jacob is also a USCF competitive cyclist, served on the Board of Directors for the Alabama Bike Racing Association, and is a founding member and President of the Birmingham Velo Race Team.
While at the University of Alabama School of Law, Jacob served on the Managing Board of the Alabama Law Review, and was a member of the John A. Campbell Moot Court Board and the Jessup International Moot Court Team. Jacob was co-winner of the law school’s Campbell Moot Court Competition and was awarded the Order of the Barristers for outstanding oral advocacy. Prior to joining Price Armstrong, Jacob was a partner at a regional defense litigation firm.